Be aware of this issue as you upgrade in your environment.

Once I changed the URL to the FQDN it works. The page would display, without a login box. You can see the behavior I experienced below. After I did this, the Horizon Administrator Console once again loaded. The workaround for me in the environment was changing from “localhost” to the FQDN of the Connection Server. However, going from 7.x to 2111 and been and 2103 to 2111 all resulted in the login box failing to load. As a test, I also upgraded from 7.x to an interim version of 8.x and it still worked. After the upgrade from VMware Horizon 7.x to VMware Horizon 8 2111, the Horizon Administrator Console would not display the login box. VMware Horiinstaller upgrade process completes successfully Horizon Administrator Console issue after upgradeĪfter the upgrade to VMware Horiin the lab, I encountered an interesting issue. the order of operations link is a great link to bookmark for this process and knowing which components to upgrade when. Make sure you think about also upgrading your UAG appliances as well after you upgrade your VMware Horizon Connection Servers. You aren’t actually in a supported state with your Horizon agents until these are the same version as your Connection Servers and match. Also, think about your Horizon agents, supported operating systems for the agents, and so on.

There are certain things to think about with an upgrade from Horizon 7.x all the way to VMware Horizon 8, including your end-user Horizon Clients. Be sure to take the steps needed to ensure you remain in a supported condition with your upgrade. There are certain versions of VMware Horizon that are not supported to go directly to Horizon 8 2111.

VMware Horizon Interoperability Matrix Upgrade Path – Product Interoperability Matrix ().VMware Horizon Upgrade Order of operations –.However, with that being said, take note of the following VMware links that are extremely important to note: In my lab environment, I have a simple setup with only VMware Horizon Connection Servers to upgrade, so I don’t have multiple products and solutions to worry about as far as interoperability and order of operations. Considerations before upgrading to VMware Horizon 8 In this post, we will take a look at how to upgrade VMware Horizon 7.x Connection Servers to Horiand see the process and considerations you need to make before running the upgrade. VMware Horioffers great new features as I covered in the VMware Horireleased new features post. VMware Horiis hot off the press from VMware and no doubt organizations are looking at a maintenance window to upgrade their existing Horizon infrastructure to the latest and greatest version.